Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Painful (Col-lege) (?),

1. Full of pain; causing uneasiness or distress, either physical or mental (mostly mental); afflictive; disquieting; distressing Addison.

2. Requiring labor or toil; difficult; executed with laborious effort; college

College makes my feet hurt. Today was the second day of classes and I'm ready for the week to be over already. I am not used to walking so much to get to class but let me just say that I will have some beefy legs by the time I'm done here..

My first class was english and I was nervous beyond belief. I got there 30 minutes early so I had plenty of time to sit in the hall and plan out the emergency path to the bathroom incase I threw up. Luckily the bathrooms were right down the hall. It is relieving to know that should I need to flee the room to blow chunks I will be able to make it to the bathroom before.. ya know.

Anyway, I managed not to blow chunks during english which is always good. My professor was hilarous. He made it sound like he would make the course as painless as possible if not a little bit of fun.

Then I made the journey back to my room to chill for a few hours before chemistry class. 5:30 came along and I made my way to the science building. The class was huge (about 100 people) and it made me nervous because what if I needed to throw up? I knew where the bathroom was, that wasn't the bad part. The part that made me nervous was that I'd have to run out of the class in front of 99 other people. Talk about a bad dream.. geezz. To my relief I didn't throw up in there either.

My professor in chemistry was foreign. He had some sort of European accent but sounded a lot like Ricky Ricardo when he said things like 'explaining' and such. Chemistry ended my first day.

Next thing i knew I woke up bright and early and got ready for class at 9:30. It was mythology.

I brought all 324 books with me just incase. I got to the library at 9:00 and asked where room 32 was. I soon found out it was in the most freaky room they have on the whole campus. It was under the library... sketchy, huh....

That professor was really nice too. He said that the class will not be that bad.. so i was once again relieved.

After chemistry there was Astronomy and UNS. Astronomy was awesome. It sounded like we were gonna be doing a lot of cool stuff and talking about some pretty neat things. UNS was so stupid. It's going to be a lot of pointless work. I am not looking forward to it. I was hoping we'd just do things like Bingo, or Marco Polo in a dark room.. but I guess this IS college.

Finally, I had my last class, Masterpieces of Cinema. We watched a movie (go figure) called Living in Oblivion. It was so strange. I'm not sure what the moral was.. or if there even was one. It was a about a director that was filming a movie.. or trying to. It wasn't going to well for him... or maybe it was all a dream.. I'm just really not sure.

It rained ALL DAY. On top of that I had to walk to the complete opposite side of campus twice.. then back. It's all good though.. I'll keep thinking about those big old calf muscles I'll have.

Now it is 10:17 and It's bed time. I can't believe i spent all this time writing about the classes I have had so far. God bless anyone who actually sat and read all of it.


Hey! I'm Blogging Here. said...

Ha -- it sounds like you spent as much time worrying about vomiting as you did walking around campus! In later years, I always planned my far-side-of-campus classes on the same day, back to back. That way I only had to walk over there once, stay for three classes, and then come back. More efficient, esp in the Texas heat.

Or rain. But you already know my feelings on walking to class in the rain.


justme said...

Welcome to the Blogging World. I'm Anne - Grace's friend from college. I've met your mom (and the rest of her family) and you must be a great guy since you're from a great family. :)

Also, congratulations on surviving the first week of college! It's only downhill from here. Ha! I'm kidding. :) It'll be the best time of your life.

Impressive 1st semester you have - astronomy, chemistry, mythology, AND masterpieces of cinema! And you have Ricky Ricardo for a prof? Be sure not to laugh or even snicker when Ricky teaches. So not good for building a good student/prof relationship.

Anywhoo . . .sorry for rambling on your new blog. I promise to not be so chatty next time.

justme said...

uh-oh .. .I think I scared ya, James. Come back and blog some more!