Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Story of my life.. at the moment.

So, I'm finally in the swing of things. Although I still miss high school a whole bunch I am glad to say that I have finally adjusted to the college life. I made it through my first test in almost every class now. In the past I have always failed the first test in a class, but I am pleased to say that I passed every one I've gotten back so far. In Mythology I made and 80 and in Chemistry I made a 79. I could have done better but I am perfectly pleased with these grades given that other students failed miserably. We'll see about Astronomy and BCN next week.

Now that I've gotten the hang of my schedule I have noticed that I cross paths with a lot of the same people each week. I dont necessarily talk to these people, but in walking back to the dorm or on my way to class i notice them every time.

Monday: I wake up at 8:45 and head for the shower. I always go for the 4th shower stall from the door, second from the wall. And every monday without exception the creepy kid from across the hall comes in at about 8:50 or 9:00 and goes into the 3rd stall. He NEVER showers with shoes on. Gross right? I know. NAST!

Tuesday: I wake up at 8:00 and head for the shower again. I leave my room and 9:20 to head to class. While walking down the stairs I always meet up with Alysa. She lives on the second floor and convienently comes through the door as I'm walking by. She is a tech theater major and is very involved in the school productions. She likes my WICKED hoodie a lot. I like it a lot too. Later on tuesday I head for my BCN class and pass the same 3 kids smoking funny looking black cigarettes at a stone lawn table outside the building. They are all gross and smell aweful. I don't talk to them in class.

Wednesday: I meet up with 'no shoes' in the shower again - gag! On my way back from my 10:00 class as I am approaching my dorm I pass by 2 guys that are sitting on the stone wall talking... they are always there, don't ask me why. If I am wearing my Wicked shirt or Wicked hoodie then I am always stopped by one of them. " Oh My gosh, like, where did you get that shirt?" I respond with " I saw it in L.A this summer." From that point the converstation goes one of two ways. He either says something like " Geez, you don't need to wear wicked everything, you should have just gotten a program" to which i respond by saying " I GOT A PROGRAM TOO, PUNK. GET LOST" (only not really), or he says "WOW! i saw it in London, it was so good!" to which i respond " Yeah it is!". Since I see him almost every wednesday and he takes notice of my Wicked paraphernalia every time i wear it i am surprised he can't remember that we've talked before. Bless!

Thursday: repeats tuesday

Friday: I get to shower next to 'no shoes' one more time before the weekend.

Story of my life. I have come across some pretty interesting people so far in college. Atleast i find it interesting. Im sorry that you have read to this point if you don't find it interesting.

P.S. Check this out!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bb8P7dfjVw

P.S.S. Wonder how it's made? Check THIS out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1bEOtpqYpA&feature=related

1 comment:

Hey! I'm Blogging Here. said...

I very much enjoyed the story
of "no shoes" in the shower. I hope after the RA meeting he has reconsidered. That's just nast.