Monday, May 11, 2009

Twitter is addicting!



I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks

Monday, March 30, 2009

Terry.. Oh, Terry. Where can you be?

If you're out there somewhere in the Internet world and you're following my blog please let me know if you're OK!!!

I don't think I've had a chance to blog about my missing roommate. So this should be a good'n.

Terry, my roommate of 5 months, never returned from winter break and no one has heard from him since. Creepy right? I know!

It all started in August when we moved in to this lovely room at this glorious university. Terry was an odd fellow from the start. He never talked much at all and when he did it was usually to himself. He almost always ate in our room, usually Chick-fil-A and didn't every talk to anyone very much at all. Terry didn't sleep at night, for he was nocturnal. In the darkness Terry would sit on his bed and play one of those online real player games all through the night until the sun peeked its head over the horizon. While playing this game, Terry would play music to keep him entertained. The only problem with this was that he did not use headphones. Yes, that's what I said, no headphones. At 3am my dear roommate Terry would play So What by Pink and Whatever You Like by T.I. on repeat out loud in the room whilst I was slumbering. This lasted until dawn. At dawn, Terry would emerge from the bottom bunk, much like a bear would emerge from a cave after months of hibernation only not really because he never slept, wearing the same attire he wore the previous day (socks, jeans, tshirt). Later in the day, about 4pm, Terry would suddenly realize that he was exhausted because he hadn't slept at all! He would go to sleep until about 10pm and the process would start over.

Anyways, so we registered for classes for the second semester right before Christmas break like we would normally do and he told me about the classes he was taking.. chemistry, pre calculus 2... . It was mandatory that we leave the dorm over winter break and he was leaving before me so he was packing up some clothes in his suitcase and packed up his computer. I left for class and when I returned Terry was gone. Little did I know that it would be the last time I'd see that roommate of mine. So when I got back he was gone but I noticed a lot of his stuff wasn't. He left about 15 shirts hanging in his closet (all have grease stains and or holes in them) all his toiletries, towels, dirty laundry in his hamper, bedding, fish..

yes, FISH

Needless to say, the fish is mine now. I had to scoop that stupid thing out of the humongous tank that it lived in with a tupperware bowl and bring it home and I had no intention of bringing it back if i was going to have to take care of it for a whole month. MINE!

Then we had Winter break! It was a whole month long!
It was wonderful, thanks for asking.

When i returned i fully expected Terry-berry to be there, because he was ALWAYS there, but alas, he was not. "Maybe he doesn't have class until Tuesday.." I thought to myself. He never showed up. At the end of the week I informed my RA of my MIA roomie and she disregarded it. When he didn't show up the next week i told her again. This time she notified the RD. For almost a month, the RD tried calling Terry's cell phone, home phone, and email every day and there was never a reply. I tried texting Terry and calling him myself and the phone just rang, there was never an answer. Terry's stuff still sits in my room. Water still sits in the fish tank on the dresser, his goodwill t-shirts still hang in the closet, his dirty clothes still sit in his hamper. His fish still swims in the tank at my house. Its been 3 months now and there has been no sign of this fellow. His facebook shows no recent activity yet his friends still message him once in a while and wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Surely (who's surely) he is not dead. I feel like i would be informed or the University would be informed if this were the case. Also, someone told me I am supposed to get straight A's if my roomie kicks it. Not happening, so I take it he's still kickin somewhere...

I expect him to show up sometime in the next 5 weeks to retrieve his belongings from his $13,000 storage unit. If that doesn't happen than I guess I acquired a new TV, fish tank, and bed set. I'll give the shirts to charity and throw the dirty clothes away, there is no saving them now...

If anyone sees him let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Above is a picture of his placid face. (not sure if Placid was the word I was looking for, but i like how it sounds)

Peace out home dawgs!