Friday, November 28, 2008

It's like, DUH

Who even reads this? No one even reads this.
Oh well. I'll write for the two people that do.

I like the song "You Can" by David Archuleta

I thought I'd just throw that out there.

We celebrated Thanksgiving today and OH BOY was there some good food or what!

We some nom noms for sure! I pigged out like I hadn't eaten in 100 years... Slight exageration.

I also like "My Hands" By David Archuleta

ANYWAY, Mindi brought a batch of Killer Brownies.. oh man. .. OOHH man. they were killer.
and we had Fudge, and cake cause it was my mommies Birthday! woot! My birthday is coming up next! It's on Sunday! I can't believe i'll be 19 years old!

I was talking to Emily on the phone one night/morning about what we wanted to do with our lives. We both want to finish college as fast as possible and we both want to start a family. She's lucky that she already has someone that she could possibly marry. I am still looking! She said that that person could be right under my little nose! she said maybe shes even at App!. I guess i'll never go unless i go there. hmm

My computer is about to die, my time here is up.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bathrooms and stuff, but mostly stuff...

Holy crap this is long, but it was kinda fun. I don't know why I put myself through these things.. i waste so much time. I should have been reading the Odyssey.. oops.
Update on the bathroom situation.. Someone squirted shampoo all over the mirror tonight. I was coming back from young life and was almost to my room when my RA stopped me and was like.. come here look. So i went and was like. yikes..
she said " do you know what that is?" and i said.. " i have two guesses.." after arguing over who was gonna smell it.. we discovered it was shampoo. .. shwew.
Welp, here is this survey thing. Enjoy it or whatever.

Name five people you've actually spoken to today? Alex, Emily, Julie and Terry. All very briefly.

Is anything wrong with your eyes?Yes.. unfortunatly they decided to do a half-ass job around 6th grade.. so I have contacts now.

Do you throw your candy wrappers away? For sure.. SAVE THE WHALES.. or something

Do you ever write notes on your hand? Only if I am really scared i'll forget.. but not regularly

Last time you cried? Why? I don't even remember, its been a while.

Do you cry when you get an injury?depends on how bad it is.. if my arm falls off i'll probably shed a few tears..

Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? Nope, not that i recall.

Last movie you watched? Catch Me If You Can.. and I didn't get to see the ending.. SHH dont tell me..

Where did you sleep last night? My dorm in my comfy bed.

Where is your phone?on the charger to my right on my desk.

When is the last time you were in a swimming pool?not was probably when Beth was here right before school started..

Have you ever fallen backwards on a chair? Are you kidding me? my desk chair has these notches that let you lean back, and i always think i have ONE MORE NOTCH, but i dont. and BAM, down i go.

Are you happy right now? Yup, pretty happy.. kinda tired, its late.

Do you miss anyone? I really miss my best friends. I also miss my grandmas a lot recently.

What do you feel like watching? Saved by the bell.. i finished the 1st two seasons, i need more!

Do you ever try to write with your non-dominant hand? um.. i guess like once in a blue moon.. idk why i would though.

Who makes you laugh the most? Emily usually makes me laugh until I almost pee. Grace is really good at making me laugh really hard too, and she’s all the way on the other side of the country.
Do you get annoyed when you see some sort of bug flying around? You have no freaking idea! Especially when I’m sleeping, or trying to, sleep. There was a fly in my room ones and it buzzed by my ear every morning and woke me up, I have never been more pissed!

Who starred in your last dream? Emily and me and Leigh I guess. Emily and I were in our old high school and we were playing hide and seek with Leigh, she was trying to find us.

What’s on your mind right now? .. I can’t believe what they made me do at Young Life tonight…

What makes you happy? Being around my best friend.

Have you ever gone Christmas caroling? no :(

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be? Um, why shouldn’t someone be on my mind? Are the mind police gonna come and get me?

How many pillows do you sleep with? 2, it’s like duh. I can’t sleep very well at all without at least 2 pillows.

Has anyone ever sang to you? Um well, Jordin Sparks winked at me once from like the 4th row and she was singing while she did it… it was kinda intimate and steamy.. so, the answer is YES.

Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches? Depends who and how many people I’m giving said speech in front of. Usually I can do it pretty well if it’s a smallish group of people I don’t know at all.

Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? Nope, im proud to say I haven’t.. people on my wall pee on the bathroom floor all the time do, they are turdballs.

What are you drinking right now? Um nothing, why do you assume im drinking something?.. If I were to be drinking something it would be water..

Who were the last people you hung out with? My friends from Young Life.

What are you wearing right now? jeans, a black The North Face jacket, my black VIRGIN NEW YORK shirt and yeah.

Have you ever been awake for 48 hours? I don’t think so, I’d probably die.

What are you listening to now? Terry’s computer making fantasy noises as he plays an online game. “Woooosh, zapppp, twaaannnggg”

How's the weather? Its dark now, but it’s clear and FREAKIN cold.
Do you like the color gray? I mean, I guess… it’s alright. I have some gray jeans but I don’t know what to wear with them..

Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't? YeahL there are a few people from middle school that I lost contact with that I really miss.

Do you think you're old? I’m almost 19, but in a lot of ways I do feel old, I want to be 17 again.. is that a movie?

Are you afraid of the dark? Not really anymore, not unless I’m the only one and there are creepy noises stirring about..

What are you looking forward to in the next month? Thanksgiving, going to see Secondhand Serenade in Charlotte, my birthday and going back up to App.

Have you told anybody you loved them today? Indeed I have. Family though..

Who do you trust with EVERYTHING? I trust my mom, my aunt Ta, and Emily the most, I can pretty much tell them anything and not have to worry about it.

Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else? Probably more than is healthy… I wish I was someone else all the time.

Have you ever told anyone you were OK when you really weren't? Unfortunately I have, and it only makes things worse..

Do you think anyone in general out there loves you? I’m sure my family members do.. I don’t know about anyone else.

What is one thing you miss about your past? Colorado. I want to relive those days so bad.

Do you talk a lot? depends who i'm with

Do you text at school? Usually I don’t but if I get really bored then I do.. only if its not info I need to know to pass something.

Last people you rode in a car with under the age of 21? Amanda, we went to see High School Musical 3. WOOT!

Do you believe ex's can be friends? Yes, but things change, usually for the worse.

Who was the last person you took a picture with? Chelsea, we were bored.

Was yesterday better than today? Def not, I had so much fun at Young Life today and it brought my mood up so much that it made my whole day! I love going!
Do you ever think "what if" about anything? Are you kidding? You bet I do.. I am such a “what if” freak that I worry myself into panic attacks. Its not even cool. What if I have one now? BLESS!

Would you rather go to a party or go out of town? Depends on what town I’m in and what kinda party we’re talking about.

Did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl? I don’t think it was wasted, best times of my life actually.

Have you ever broken someone's heart? i hope not and if I did I’m really sorry. :(

Ever kissed under water? Really? No.. .. wait.. REALLY? Was that a real question.

Do you know anybody named Wade? HAHA actually..

Where were you at 9 am this morning? I was in the shower next to ‘no shoes’.. (see previous entry..)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Free-Verse - Some Poems I Like

I had to read a few free-verse poems for my english class. In doing so I realized that I like this style of poetry the most. I also realized that I do not like E. E. Cummings at all. I googled some poems and I found these, so I thought I'd share. I really like them.

Washed Away

Nothing's changed except me and the facts
And the sadness I didn't mean to start.
But it feels different now you've said
It's wrong, and I still can't see your point.
And I think as water runs over my hands that
That's really all there is or can be.
The gold is wearing off the infamous ring
And something wears away from around my heart.

Copyright © 1997 by Katherine Foreman.


Means sharing, bittersweet
A brand name of love. It is a tie for all time,
Longer than the shadows we forget
Yet shorter and better than life, or for some longer,
Stronger. It balances you, with a pole in
One hand and a rope in the other, you choose what to use it for.
It is forever.

Remembers everything anyone ever felt,
Holds it in a cubbyhole somewhere for next time
When it is spoken or thought, from kindergarten
Elation to maturing despair. No friend is ever
Alone in action or reaction, left
Without a silent commiserating presence of
Invisible brick, a personal wailing wall
For those who need its strength
And stability.

Is a loaded word and pointed. It limbos out from
Under walls, vaults barricades, threads mazes
To erect cellophane boundaries of its own.
It lets you see what could lie beyond
But that you gave up
When you spoke its name.

Copyright © 1996 by Katherine Foreman

On Turning Ten

The whole idea of it makes me feel
like I'm coming down with something,
something worse than any stomach ache
or the headaches I get from reading in bad light--
a kind of measles of the spirit,
a mumps of the psyche,
a disfiguring chicken pox of the soul.
You tell me it is too early to be looking back,
but that is because you have forgotten
the perfect simplicity of being one
and the beautiful complexity introduced by two.
But I can lie on my bed and remember every digit.
At four I was an Arabian wizard.
I could make myself invisible
by drinking a glass of milk a certain way.
At seven I was a soldier, at nine a prince.

But now I am mostly at the window
watching the late afternoon light.
Back then it never fell so solemnly
against the side of my tree house,
and my bicycle never leaned against the garage
as it does today,
all the dark blue speed drained out of it.

This is the beginning of sadness, I say to myself,
as I walk through the universe in my sneakers.
It is time to say good-bye to my imaginary friends,
time to turn the first big number.
It seems only yesterday I used to believe
there was nothing under my skin but light.
If you cut me I could shine.
But now when I fall upon the sidewalks of life,
I skin my knees. I bleed.

Billy Collins

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Story of my life.. at the moment.

So, I'm finally in the swing of things. Although I still miss high school a whole bunch I am glad to say that I have finally adjusted to the college life. I made it through my first test in almost every class now. In the past I have always failed the first test in a class, but I am pleased to say that I passed every one I've gotten back so far. In Mythology I made and 80 and in Chemistry I made a 79. I could have done better but I am perfectly pleased with these grades given that other students failed miserably. We'll see about Astronomy and BCN next week.

Now that I've gotten the hang of my schedule I have noticed that I cross paths with a lot of the same people each week. I dont necessarily talk to these people, but in walking back to the dorm or on my way to class i notice them every time.

Monday: I wake up at 8:45 and head for the shower. I always go for the 4th shower stall from the door, second from the wall. And every monday without exception the creepy kid from across the hall comes in at about 8:50 or 9:00 and goes into the 3rd stall. He NEVER showers with shoes on. Gross right? I know. NAST!

Tuesday: I wake up at 8:00 and head for the shower again. I leave my room and 9:20 to head to class. While walking down the stairs I always meet up with Alysa. She lives on the second floor and convienently comes through the door as I'm walking by. She is a tech theater major and is very involved in the school productions. She likes my WICKED hoodie a lot. I like it a lot too. Later on tuesday I head for my BCN class and pass the same 3 kids smoking funny looking black cigarettes at a stone lawn table outside the building. They are all gross and smell aweful. I don't talk to them in class.

Wednesday: I meet up with 'no shoes' in the shower again - gag! On my way back from my 10:00 class as I am approaching my dorm I pass by 2 guys that are sitting on the stone wall talking... they are always there, don't ask me why. If I am wearing my Wicked shirt or Wicked hoodie then I am always stopped by one of them. " Oh My gosh, like, where did you get that shirt?" I respond with " I saw it in L.A this summer." From that point the converstation goes one of two ways. He either says something like " Geez, you don't need to wear wicked everything, you should have just gotten a program" to which i respond by saying " I GOT A PROGRAM TOO, PUNK. GET LOST" (only not really), or he says "WOW! i saw it in London, it was so good!" to which i respond " Yeah it is!". Since I see him almost every wednesday and he takes notice of my Wicked paraphernalia every time i wear it i am surprised he can't remember that we've talked before. Bless!

Thursday: repeats tuesday

Friday: I get to shower next to 'no shoes' one more time before the weekend.

Story of my life. I have come across some pretty interesting people so far in college. Atleast i find it interesting. Im sorry that you have read to this point if you don't find it interesting.

P.S. Check this out!!

P.S.S. Wonder how it's made? Check THIS out...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Without Love

I ran across this on facebook and I thought it was funny. Check it out!

1. Put your MP3 player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song name down no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.

1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
"Beautiful Girls" - sean kingston

2. How would you describe yourself?
"Let's get it started" - Black Eyed Peas

3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
"Brave"- Idina Menzel

4. How do you feel today?
"She will be loved" - Maroon 5 ( Oh baby!)

5. What is your life's purpose?
"I have a dream/Thank you for the music" - Mamma mia!

6. What is your motto?
"Answer to our lives" -Backstreet Boys ( YES. there are backstreet boys songs on my ipod..)

7. What do your friends think of you?
"Irreplaceable" - Beyonce ( AWWWW THANKS GUYS! )

8. What do you think of your parents?
"Fighting" - Yellowcard ( Thats not true.. they almost never fight!.. only sometimes!)

9. What do you think about often?
"Lucky" - Britney Spears ( Yes, britney spears is on there too..)

10. What is 2+2?
"Inside out" - yellowcard ( huh?)

11. What do you think about your best friend?
"Beautiful Soul" - Jesse McCartney ( .. and hes on there too.. )

12. What do you think about the person you like?
"Love Train" - S Club 7 ( .. i don't get it)

13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
"Spanish Rose" - Bye Bye Birdie ( ... yes my dream as always been to be an exotic flower"

14. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
"When I'm Gone" - Simple Plan

15. What will you dance to at your wedding?
"Our Lawyers Made us Change the Name of This So we Wouldn't get Sued" - Fall out boy

16. What will they play at your funeral?
"Peace on Earth" - U2 (aww. *tear*)

17. What is your hobby/interest?
"Good Morning Baltimore" - Hairspray ( how appropriate)

18. What is your biggest fear?
"Run and Tell that" - Hairspray

19. What is your biggest secret?
"The Telephone Hour" - Bye Bye Birdie

20. What do you think of your friends?
"What I didn't know" - Anthenaeum ( uh oh, is there something you guys need to tell me?"

21. What will you title this note?"
Without Love" - Hairspray

this is really fun... DO IT!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Painful (Col-lege) (?),

1. Full of pain; causing uneasiness or distress, either physical or mental (mostly mental); afflictive; disquieting; distressing Addison.

2. Requiring labor or toil; difficult; executed with laborious effort; college

College makes my feet hurt. Today was the second day of classes and I'm ready for the week to be over already. I am not used to walking so much to get to class but let me just say that I will have some beefy legs by the time I'm done here..

My first class was english and I was nervous beyond belief. I got there 30 minutes early so I had plenty of time to sit in the hall and plan out the emergency path to the bathroom incase I threw up. Luckily the bathrooms were right down the hall. It is relieving to know that should I need to flee the room to blow chunks I will be able to make it to the bathroom before.. ya know.

Anyway, I managed not to blow chunks during english which is always good. My professor was hilarous. He made it sound like he would make the course as painless as possible if not a little bit of fun.

Then I made the journey back to my room to chill for a few hours before chemistry class. 5:30 came along and I made my way to the science building. The class was huge (about 100 people) and it made me nervous because what if I needed to throw up? I knew where the bathroom was, that wasn't the bad part. The part that made me nervous was that I'd have to run out of the class in front of 99 other people. Talk about a bad dream.. geezz. To my relief I didn't throw up in there either.

My professor in chemistry was foreign. He had some sort of European accent but sounded a lot like Ricky Ricardo when he said things like 'explaining' and such. Chemistry ended my first day.

Next thing i knew I woke up bright and early and got ready for class at 9:30. It was mythology.

I brought all 324 books with me just incase. I got to the library at 9:00 and asked where room 32 was. I soon found out it was in the most freaky room they have on the whole campus. It was under the library... sketchy, huh....

That professor was really nice too. He said that the class will not be that bad.. so i was once again relieved.

After chemistry there was Astronomy and UNS. Astronomy was awesome. It sounded like we were gonna be doing a lot of cool stuff and talking about some pretty neat things. UNS was so stupid. It's going to be a lot of pointless work. I am not looking forward to it. I was hoping we'd just do things like Bingo, or Marco Polo in a dark room.. but I guess this IS college.

Finally, I had my last class, Masterpieces of Cinema. We watched a movie (go figure) called Living in Oblivion. It was so strange. I'm not sure what the moral was.. or if there even was one. It was a about a director that was filming a movie.. or trying to. It wasn't going to well for him... or maybe it was all a dream.. I'm just really not sure.

It rained ALL DAY. On top of that I had to walk to the complete opposite side of campus twice.. then back. It's all good though.. I'll keep thinking about those big old calf muscles I'll have.

Now it is 10:17 and It's bed time. I can't believe i spent all this time writing about the classes I have had so far. God bless anyone who actually sat and read all of it.